What technology helps Vietnam to become energy independent?

Accelerating the green transition will strengthen Vietnam’s energy independence, not only helping the nation of more than 90 million people avoid future energy crises, but will also promote energy security and protect Vietnam from possible crises in an uncertain world.

Garbage – a huge source of energy

Garbage is a resource and the world recognized waste as a resource. The reuse of waste is the implementation of a circular economy, ie all in a closed loop, without wasting any resources. In recent years, problems with waste management, concerns about climate change and pollution in landfills have increased. This has been and is becoming a major concern for both the Vietnamese community and the Government.

On average, Vietnam generates about 1.8 million tons of plastic waste each year, among the 20 countries with the largest amount of waste and higher than the world average, due to the management and treatment of plastic waste. not exhaustive. It is estimated that currently in Vietnam, the amount of daily-life solid waste generated is about 60,000 tons/day, of which urban areas account for 60%. By 2025, the rate of domestic solid waste generation is forecasted to increase by 10-16%/year. Not to mention there is a large amount of industrial waste from factories, enterprises and industrial zones.

The waste source is large, but about 85% of the current waste in Vietnam is being treated mainly by landfill technology; both wasteful and requires a lot of land. Worth mentioning, a lot of waste mixed with hazardous waste, such as industrial waste, medical waste, is also mixed in landfills. With more than 90 million people, each year the amount of waste in this populous country increases by 10%, which means hundreds of thousands of tons of waste are wasted. If this amount of waste is recycled and reused, Vietnam can save a significant amount of resources.

Superior technology for waste treatment in Vietnam

Recycling waste to save resources and produce energy is becoming a trend in the world. In recent years, Vietnam has begun to pay attention to solving the problem of waste treatment. Also according to the target, the Vietnamese government strives that by 2025, 90-95% of landfills will be closed, and unsanitary domestic solid waste landfills will be treated for pollution and environmental improvement. For many years, Professor Nguyen Quoc Sy, Dean of the Plasma Energy apartment, National Research University (MEI), Chairman of VinIT Institute of Technology has always been passionate about plasma technology research and development. in waste treatment with the following goals: to stop burying garbage, turn garbage into electricity, not emit toxic gases into the environment and treat recycled waste.

Giáo sư Nguyễn Quốc Sỹ - Sputnik Việt Nam, 1920, 23.08.2022
Professor Nguyen Quoc Sy

As one of the pioneers in the field of Plasma technology in waste treatment, he and many scientists of the Russian Federation focus on researching Plasma technology and consider it one of the sustainable solutions for environment. More important is the expression of responsibility of scientists to society. Plasma technology in waste treatment here is the only technology capable of thoroughly treating plastic waste, nylon, sulfur and toxic impurities (mercury, cadmium, lead, xenon, cyan, electronics garbage, etc…), ensuring all the strictest environmental criteria such as G7 or EURO6”.

“The plasma technology that we are focusing on developing is to use the energy of Plasma to destroy garbage. The temperature is about 10,000 degrees. At such a temperature, all waste, including hazardous waste, Bulky molecules, household waste, even biochemical weapons signed in the 1986 Treaty of Destruction between the US and the former Soviet Union all use Plasma with high temperature to destroy, and all separate radically cumbersome biochemical systems with thermally stable linkages into simpler and non-toxic molecules for the environment” Prof. Nguyen Quoc Sy emphasized to Sputnik.

In fact, there is no plasma technology in Vietnam,  the current world’s plasma technology is incomplete. The first reason is that the world is using today is the DC plasma generator technology, which has a small lifespan and poor coefficient. And we are using is the 3-phase AC plasma generator, the working time is higher.

“Our VinIT Institute of Technology has a close relationship with the Russian Federation. Many of the Institute’s officials and experts are Russian. Our research works are focused on the technology-based foundation. of the world for further development.We have carried out in-depth research to create more powerful, larger capacity and cheaper plasma generators suitable for for domestic solid waste incineration reactors.”

There are many reasons why modern waste treatment technology in Europe cannot be applied in Vietnam. If the technology is not proactive, it will be very disadvantageous, difficult to grasp and own the waste recycling industry.

Analyzing with Sputnik, the Chairman of VinIT Institute of Technology said that to successfully apply waste incineration technology to generate electricity for waste with low heat like Vietnam, it is a very difficult problem in terms of technique and technology.

“Because, the heat of Vietnamese waste is low, only 5-5.5 kJ/kg. In industrialized countries, it is from 11-14 kJ/kg. With the same amount of waste, the heat generated is 2.5-3 times lower than that of waste incineration in developed countries. Therefore, the technologies of incineration for power generation such as those of Germany, Japan, etc., when applied to Vietnam, are not necessarily successful, because the waste heat in Vietnam is very low. That is, the amount of power generation is also very low. At that time, investors investing in garbage power projects will not be profitable.”

Renewable energy revolution from waste in Vietnam

In an interview with Sputnik, Prof. Nguyen Quoc Sy shared the advantages of Plasma technology compared to current Plasma technologies and some other waste incineration technologies for power generation.

“One of the advantages of Plasma technology in waste treatment is that it is completely destroyed at high temperatures and does not require sorting waste like waste in Vietnam. With high-temperature gasification technology (T> 1700°C), it helps to thoroughly decompose organic and inorganic wastes, without releasing toxic substances such as Dioxin and Furans. The ash and fly ash content is less than 5% and almost white smoke.

Currently, VinIT Institute of Technology has also been granted a patent for this plasma generation system. It can be said that the core system, the most important system for the whole large line of waste treatment with Plasma technology.

“Our mission is to turn waste with ingredients like Vietnam’s waste into a mixture of Syngas with an content of over 37-38% (enough for profitable power generation). According to calculations and tests, our Plasma technology ensures that. If generating electricity and making profits, it means that we can solve two problems, thoroughly destroy domestic solid waste and solve economic problems.

This pioneering technology of the scientist will certainly lay the foundation for a “green” waste recycling industry in Vietnam, contributing to achieving the goal of green growth and zero emissions by 2050 as committed of the Prime Minister at COP26. Moreover, Vietnam’s energy independence will not only help the country avoid future energy crises, but will also promote energy security and protect the Fatherland.

Source: Công nghệ nào giúp Việt Nam độc lập về năng lượng?

VinIT Institute of Technology organizes plasma technology exhibition on October 29, 2021

At 15:00 on October 29, 2021, VinIT Institute of Technology held a plasma technology exhibition at 44A Trang Thi, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Attending the exhibition were representatives of the Center for Training and Support for Technology Market Development (NATEC/VCIC), Ministry of Science and Technology; State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations, People’s Television Station and the collective of scientific staff and collaborators of VinIT Institute of Technology.

At the exhibition, Prof. Nguyen Quoc Sy introduced plasma technologies applied to the fields of sterilization, biomedicine, and agriculture; electrocoagulation technology for wastewater treatment, electrolysis technology to produce alkaline ionized water. In particular, Prof. Nguyen Quoc Sy introduced a new technology to apply plasma technology to process most of the surface of materials such as metal, glass, plastic, etc. The post-processed material has a large surface energy that helps to increase adhesion, has great application potential for printing technology, surface spraying, thin film, surface treatment of electronic materials, solar cells, etc.

Surface treatment plasma technology
Surface untreated with plasma technology (Left) and treated (Right)

Plasma technology disinfection system – new “weapon” in the fight against pandemic “COVID-19”


No radiation, no chemicals and completely safe for humans and the environment – VinIT Institute of Technology successfully manufactured a plasma technology disinfection system.

In the fight against “COVID-19” in Vietnam, there was the participation of scientists. On April 20, 2020, VinIT announced that it has successfully tested the plasma technology disinfection system. This is the first system in the world to apply this technology to large-scale surface disinfection for people and equipment, contributing to preventing cross-contamination and eliminating viruses.

To better understand this invention and its importance in the fight against “COVID-19” today, Sputnik interviewed Prof. Shi Nguyen-Kuok, Professor of Moscow National Energy University, President VinIT Institute of Technology. Sputnik would like to introduce you to the interview.

VinIT successfully tested the plasma technology disinfection system

Sputnik: Hello, Prof. Shi Nguyen-Kuok! Thank you very much for your time with Sputnik.

VinIT Institute of Technology has successfully tested the plasma technology disinfection system. Could you tell us about the capabilities of this plasma technology disinfection system, especially in current anti-epidemic?

Prof. Shi Nguyen-Kuok, Chairman of VinIT Technology Institute: VinIT scientists have independently researched and successfully created the plasma technology disinfection system. This is a completely new technology that uses cold plasma sources, creating large amounts of negative ions that work very well to kill viruses and bacteria on people and equipment. It can help fight community infection and eradicate coronavirus during the current COVID-19 pandemic. To counteract this pandemic there are basically two tasks scientists have to deal with: the first is to prepare the vaccine and the second is to prevent the spread of infection to the community. The technology we invented basically can help solve the second task.


Previously, VinIT Institute of Technology has also successfully manufactured the plasma technology disinfection testing system for testing, evaluating the effectiveness of the technology as well as a model for designing and manufacturing a large disinfection system for people and equipment. VinIT scientists conducted nearly 1,000 samples of testing bacteria and mice. Good test results demonstrate the practical application efficiency of plasma disinfection mechanisms.

We have made inventions and radical improvements in technology and science to be able to use low-energy, low-power cold plasma sources for large-scale surface disinfection. The disinfection system of VinIT Institute of Technology uses high-voltage, high-frequency cold plasma sources capable of disinfecting the surface of humans, medical devices, masks, protective clothing, paper money, equipment electronics, smartphones and other disinfectant items, which can contribute to anti-cross infection and coronavirus removal during this COVID-19 pandemic.

In principle of this technology: Cold plasma flows have low atomic and ionic temperatures <40oC, but the temperature of large electron particles above 10,000 K, electron particle density 1010 – 1013 cm-3, charged particles and ions due to ionization of air and Argon gas (Ar +, N2+, N2, O2+, O2 …), diverse active components O, OH, O*, O2*, O3*, NOx, ultraviolet UV (wavelength 180 – 400 nm). Therefore, it has many mechanisms with high bactericidal, fungicidal and virological effects, very good application, can replace antibiotics, disinfectant solution, kill virus on the surface and in the air.

No radiation, no chemicals and completely safe for humans and the environment

Sputnik: What are the disinfectant advantages and effectiveness of this Disinfection System, professor?

Prof. Shi Nguyen-Kuok, Chairman of VinIT Technology Institute:

Our technology system has advanced plasma disinfection, non-radioactive, non-chemical and completely safe mechanisms for human and environment. Biomedical tests on samples of Gram+ and Gram bacteria attached on the surface of clothes, resulted in disinfection results of over 99.9% (3log10) with less than 03 minutes in the disinfection chamber and over 90% (log10) with time less than 01 minute. The high disinfectant efficiency of this technology is due to the use of ion gas from plasma emitters compared to chemical solutions. Negative ions have a high ability to oxidize, kill bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms including mold, yeast, spores, and even parasites. In addition, ionic gas by cold plasma technology has the ability to disinfect and kill viruses deep inside the surface of complex structures on people and equipment.

Our plasma technology disinfection chamber system has a unique design, applying many of the world’s technological and technological innovations in the field of cold plasma. The system integrates 200 plasma generators created, improved and manufactured by VinIT Institute of Technology, together with other necessary auxiliary systems. The system works stably at normal temperature and atmospheric pressure, using only water and Ar gas, no chemicals, no radiation, no heavy metals, electromagnetic fields at safe thresholds, Simple configuration, easy operation, low cost, does not create secondary pollution, completely safe for humans and environmentally friendly.

System of disinfection of surface and coronavirus in isolated area against infection of hospitals

Compared with the conventional disinfection methods (using chemical solutions) that we are spraying in areas with pollution levels, at risk of coronavirus current, plasma technology has the following advantages:

  • Broad impact on bacteria and viruses;
  • Quick acting in the natural environment under normal temperature and atmospheric pressure;
  • Not affected by environmental factors;
  • Absolutely safe, no chemicals, no toxic, no fire and explosion;
  • Do not harm metal tools as well as rubber and plastic;
  • Lasting effect on treated surface;
  • Easy to use for people and equipment;
  • Odorless or no unpleasant odor;
  • Ability to quickly clean the surface of medical instruments, supplies and people;
  • High economic efficiency. Plasma technology: Not just for medical – healing field.

Sputnik: It is known that VinIT has registered the invention of this technology. When will the plasma technology disinfection system be introduced into society?

Prof. Shi Nguyen-Kuok, Chairman of VinIT Technology Institute:

VinIT has registered the invention of this technology and is carrying out the procedure of quality assessment, setting up a base standard to soon bring this technology product to society.

We have successfully applied plasma technologies in a number of fields including:

Medical field – treatment of open wounds, incisions, burns, diabetic ulcers, pressure sores, used in dermatology for fungi, eczema and applied in cosmetology to heal wound scars; Processing and preserving of agricultural products and foodstuffs – killing viruses, bacteria, molds and other microorganisms, applying to handling and preserving agricultural products and foodstuffs, including vegetables, tubers, tropical fruits, meat, fish and fresh foods from agricultural and livestock products;

VinIT scientists fabricated and successfully tested plasma technology disinfection system

Environmental protection – treatment of all types of waste, domestic wastewater, health care, husbandry, shrimp-raising water, polluted ponds and lakes, wastewater from printing, dyeing, etc.

Products of VinIT Institute of Technology are cheaper than other similar products in the world because we have a team of senior scientists and experts at home and abroad, with years of experience in various fields, mastering plasma technologies is active, from design to manufacturing.

Sputnik: Is the plasma technology disinfection system a work of Vietnamese scientists or a collaboration with foreign scientists?

Prof. Shi Nguyen-Kuok, Chairman of VinIT Technology Institute:

We have very effective cooperation of Russian experts from Moscow National Energy University (НИУ «МЭИ»). We are very grateful for this cooperation and this is a testament to the friendship and effective cooperation of Vietnamese and Russian scientists.

Sputnik: According to the professor, is this disinfection system likely to become an export item of Vietnam?

Prof. Shi Nguyen-Kuok, Chairman of VinIT Technology Institute:

This disinfection system can completely become an export item of Vietnam and we look forward to contributing to the world’s scientists to repel this COVID-19 pandemic. Based on its new research, VinIT Institute of Technology has developed the design of surface disinfection and coronavirus elimination system for receiving patients’ input systems of hospitals and crowded places and System of disinfection of surface and coronavirus in isolated areas of the hospital. We hope our high-tech products can meet the reality of COVID-19 prevention.

Sputnik: Thanks again to the professor for interviewing Sputnik. Wish Vietnam and the whole world to win the pandemic!

By Hoang Hoa, Sputniknews.
